Monday, August 1, 2011

What can you do to prevent corruption USB?

What can you do to prevent corruption USB?
If you insert a flash drive in Windows XP, normally recognizes the flash drive and immediately sets the flash drive for use as a regular storage device. When you need to disconnect the flash drive, use the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon and tell Windows that you want to remove the flash drive. Then, Windows will write any data waiting (Windows XP uses a delayed-write cache to speed up programs), and then says that drive is not connected. Finally, it tells you that the flash drive can now be removed. But if you just pull the flash drive without doing Safely Remove Hardware step, you may lose data that you thought was already written on the flash drive.

usb3Also, Windows will not properly turn off its internal settings for the drive. This means that if you insert the drive again Windows XP will not recognize. You must reboot your computer to restore the flash drive recognition.
Instead of using the Windows option, I personally prefer a free portable utilities EjectUSB, who will perform all the flash drive close to me.

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