Flash Drive not detected Computer
Some things should be suspected when the UFD (USB flash drive) that are not detected when the camera into the computer, among others:
- Damaged USB Port
- Setting up the problem (bios, Windows)
- Driver problems
- Damaged by natural
- Others
Why Flash Drive Detected Computer
To try to overcome it can make the following points: Try our USB plug in another USB port / switch-move, if they failed to try to plug in another computer, if successful, then we are not problematic USB and doubt 100% of the computer.
Or the opposite, try another USB port on your computer (if any) / or other devices that use USB ports. By assumption, if the tools we connect is detected, the USB ports are not problematic.
Check the BIOS settings can turn off intentionally or not, it could happen does not change the settings with the motherboard battery when we realize we are worn / weak.
Check in Device Manager, follow these steps:
1st Click Start> Settings> Control Panels.
2nd Double-click the System icon
3rd Once open window Syistem Properties, click the Hardware tab
4th Click the Device Manager button
5th Then check out the Universal Serial Bus controllers, it seems that there is a problem
6th Question in this section indicates the hardware is not recognized or td driver
7th Red Cross marks in this section shows disabled, so if it happens right click and select enable
8th Included in this is likely to re-install the USB flash disk driver.
Check register, including:
1st Click Start> Run
2nd Type: regedit then enter
3rd Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ UsbStor
4th Value Dwords be worth 3 (enable) if not 3, then update with 3, then close and restart
Another possibility is a computer infected with a virus, it must be free of the virus using anti-virus
If you suspect that the new software is installed as the cause then try to uninstall the software first.
Try to use software tool to find and mount the partition (hopefully you).
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