Saturday, July 9, 2011

LCD and CRT Monitor Advantages and Disadvantages

LCD Monitor Advantages

· Uses Less Power. LCDs also produce less heat, which means less load on air conditioning.
· Takes up less space. LCD monitors are small, thin, and weigh less.
· Highly adjustable. Many LCD models can be rotated 90 degrees, allowing you to view websites in portrait mode. LCDs can also be mounted on the wall or on an arm.
· No flicker. LCDs don't have lines that need to be scanned like in CRTs. No flicker = a lot less eye strain.
· Less glare. Due to the material of the LCD screen, less light is reflected at the user. Same with "no flicker", this results in less eye strain.
· Brightness. LCD monitors are brighter than the traditional CRTs.
· Less distortion. Using a direct digital input from the graphics card produces cleaner 'output'. The monitor's perfect geometry means images aren't distorted, which is a boon for graphic designers and the like.
· Energy Efficient
· The scan lines and constant light barrage of a CRT tube tend to cause strain on heavy custom computer users.
· On the other hand lower intensity of LCD monitors produces less fatigue for computer users.

LCD Monitor Disadvantages

Blurry Images Outside Native Resolution
Motion Blur on Fast Moving Images
LCD’s another drawback was the lower response time when playing a video, though there has been several improvements, but there are some LCD monitors that still have lower response times. You must be aware of low response time factor of LCD monitors when purchasing it.
· Another problem of LCD monitors is color clarity. Unluckily, the PC industry has not taken some proper steps to guide and help buyers understand or compare monitors through providing listings, specifications etc.
· More expensive than CRTs. You pay for what you get; LCDs look good and are good for your eyes
· Dead pixels. When the electrical current to one or more pixels does not operate properly, one or more cells are permanently aligned, resulting in a dead pixel.
· Screen care and fragility. LCD monitors may be slim and sexy, but they're also more prone to damage and screen breakage.
· Native resolution. LCD monitors can only display information well at the resolution they were designed for. At any other resolution, image quality will suffer.
· Pixel response time. In videos and fast-paced video games, LCDs suffer from the ghosting effect.
· Viewing angles. Looking at an LCD monitor from an angle causes the image to look dimmer or even disappear completely.
· Colors. The color accuracy of an LCD monitor does not match that of a CRT monitor's.
· Now, the disadvantage was noticed the bigger is the native or fixed resolution of LCD screens. Only pixels in matrix can be displayed through an LCD monitor. It can display a lower resolution in one of two ways. Utilizing very less of the total pixels when display or through extrapolation. Extrapolation is a process through the monitor blends multiple pixels together to generate a single pixel.

CRT Monitors
· Color rendering is the primary advantage that CRT monitors held over LCD monitors. The depths of colors displayed and contrast ratios were much greater and better with CRT monitors than LCD monitors. While it is still true in only some cases, many series have been produced in LCD monitors such that the difference is not as great as once it was.Obviously the other benefit that CRT monitors provide over LCD screens is the ability to easily scale the various resolutions. This is dubbed to as multisync by the custom built PC industry. The screen may easily be adjusted downward to lower resolutions through adjusting the electron beam in the tube, while keeping the picture clarity intact.

• High Refresh Rates

• Color Clarity and Depth

• Multisync Capable

· The biggest disadvantages of CRT monitors are the weight and size of tubes. A same sized LCD monitor is more of 80% smaller in weight and size when compared to a CRT tube. The other bigger disadvantage is more power consumption. CRT monitor needs energy for electron beam means more consumption of power and more generation of heat than a LCD monitor.

• Very Heavy and Large

• Generate Excess Heat

• Use Large Amounts of Energy


Well, as per demand is concerned, lots of people would like to purchase LCD monitors rather than CRT monitors for their custom built PCs. There is no huge difference in the cost to consumer. Normally CRTs would only be seen sold with the rather cheap custom built PCs or by those who needs special imaging as graphics professionals.

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