Be it any field there is something or the other that is being developed every day. The most development has taken in the place in the field of electronics. Memory sticks can be quoted as one of those which have seen a tremendous growth in the recent decade or so. Initially the storage of the data was done using the floppy disks. But now these floppy disks are even out of the dictionary of the computers. Such growths of other storage devices have happened. The usage of the compact discs has also started to vanish in the recent past. One can say that the reason for the diminishing use of these storage devices might be due to the advent of these memory sticks. The memory sticks are also known as the flash drives.
The advents of these memory sticks are seen from the year of 2000 where then after the usage of compact discs have tremendously reduced. The scientists and the research analysts from the United States of America were involved in a serious research for a period of 15 months before they came up with the idea of these memory sticks. Once this was invented, the memory sticks recorded huge sales in the year 2003 which was said to be era in which the growth of the information and Technology industry was booming at very high levels.
Later on from 2003 there has been customization of these memory sticks which included the usage of security and other features like the backup of data. The later version of the memory sticks also included the use of any kind of files that can be loaded into the stick and can be transferred to any kind of system. This stunning discovery made everyone in delight. The security system in the memory sticks included the use of password for saving of the data and only when the user gives a password there is the possibility to open the memory stick.
Also the custom memory stick can be used in separate slots which have been configured with all the latest laptops and computers. Memory sticks also have memory card reader which can be used to access the data in the stick and hence has many advantages. The size of the stick is small and can be carried out anywhere. Thus we can say that the memory sticks are a boon to the computer users.
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