Friday, July 1, 2011

Custom USB Flash Drives Price is falling

What is a Custom USB drive? In its simplest answer it is a device that stores data while at the same time acting as a portable advertising billboard for your organization. A USB flash drive consists of a flash memory data storage device integrated with a USB (Universal Serial Bus) interface. USB flash drives are typically removable and rewritable, and physically much smaller than a floppy disk. Most weigh less than 30 g (1 oz). Storage capacities in 2010 can be as large as 256 GB with steady improvements in size and price per capacity expected. Some allow 1 million write or erase cyclesand have a 10-year data retention cycle.

In the last years the industry has seen a revolution in  prices for the custom USB drive. There are so many to choose from and some companies even have the ability to completely customize a USB drive to your specifications. You would think that these ingenious devices would cost a fortune but the truth is that the USB drive is at its lowest cost per unit in years! This is great news for you and me. No longer will you need to present potential clients with CD’s at your sales meetings, you will now be able to leave something that is unique and useful to them, and you can rest assured that your presentation will not be thrown away! You will have the options to upload data to your USB drives, make the presentation permanent or erasable. You will be able to auto run your presentation or data (plug and play). The amount of customization that you can do to your drive is endless.

NAND flash prices are expected to fall dramatically in 2011! This is great news as the price decrease only means that Custom USB flash drives will only become more affordable. In 2011 the amount of companies in Corporate America and around the world using USB flash drives in place of CD’s is also expected to increase. It doesn’t make sense anymore to burn money burning CD’s that carry little to no value to the end user. With prices in sharp decline and Custom USB drives more accessible then ever before now is the time to get ahead of the curve and your competition by adding a low cost high return tool to your marketing and promotional arsenal.

In conclusion Custom USB Flash Drives are the new rave and the wave of the future in both marketing and advertising. It is a small tool with Huge return potential. Custom USB drives are positioning themselves as the most cost effective way to market your product or company. Custom USB drives have and will continue to change the world and the way we exchange ideas and communicate.

One company that does provide some pretty amazing USB flash drives is This company has been at the fore front of technology and has really made a huge impact on this market.

Once again I hope to hear some comments and your experience with Custom USB Flash Drives.

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