Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The usb is not recognized by your computer

You need to copy some important data from your pen drive computer hard drive. You plug in the USB device and nothing happens or you get an error that says something like USB flash drive is not recognized. What do we do then?
Flash drives need no introduction and almost everyone owns today for fast data transfer and data storage purpose. Flash drives are also known by other names such as jump drives, pen drives, thumb drives, USB sticks, and others. There can be times when these devices useful data can give some problems when you connect to a PC. The most common problem when a USB device is connected to a computer flash drive is not recognized error.
When that kind of error before troubleshooting step that should take is to turn off the computer, remove the pen drive from the port and try again after sometime. The closure of the system and reboot again, the computer drivers Reload removable drive, pen drive and then can eventually start to work. If this basic step does not seem to work, can move to the next step.

usb14Flash Drive not recognized - causes and solutions
Computer virus
Many times, computers may be infected with a virus, which is why it can work in some strange way. This may even affect the proper functioning of any USB device that is connected to the system. To prevent this problem, it is recommended to install a good antivirus software and periodically scan and clean your computer. Purchase of licensed and updated version that will not only prevent any infection from malware, Trojans, spyware and other computer viruses, but also scan to a USB storage device data as soon as it is connected to a computer.
Device Driver Corrupted or not present
There are also possibilities that the USB device driver may be corrupted, causing flash drive can not recognize. To troubleshoot this problem flash drive, you must first uninstall the driver and then reinstall it again. You can do a proper uninstall the driver from Device Manager, which can be accessed through the "My Computer" or "Control Panel". To install drivers back again, use the CD-ROM that came with the flash drive. In older operating systems, there are no such drivers are present in the computer. So a USB flash drive to be recognized, you will need to install drivers from CD driver first.
No connection to port
If you are trying to plug in flash drive USB port which is located in front of the cabinet processor can not work and can not even get any error. The reason is simply that the extension cables can be incorporated to provide connectivity on the front. In case you were previously using the front USB ports without any issues, and are now unrecognizable device error, extension cables may be to blame. You need to open the cabinet and check the problem on.
If any of the steps above problems do not seem to work, then probably the flash drive itself is to blame. To make sure that the flash drive is operating properly, use another computer and check if it works fine. If you get an error similar to the flash drive is not recognized, shut down computer, remove the USB connection, and check after reboot. If still not working, then probably the USB device is faulty and should try another flash drive or USB device.

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