Solution: Unmount the SD card from the Settings>> SD card and phone storage. Install the applications you need from Android store.After successful installation re-mount your SD card to move the app to SD card. For this go to Settings>> Applications>> manage applications and click (touch) the application you want to move. The details of the chosen apartment will be displayed. Select Move to SD card option. Your apartment will be moved to the SD card.
Note: If the seller fails to provide app2SD apartment while programming the app will not be able to move the SD card or install the first place.
Now even more installations can be done successfully with the SD card mounted. They will be installed or SD card or phone storage depending on whether the programmer has enabled app2SD or not.
If you want to know the whole story can be read on:
I bought a new Samsung Ace Galaxy last week. Like almost every Android phone is practically lusterless in the absence of any applications from the Android market, I immediately started downloading applications. Apps start downloading with any hint of approaching a problem.
After the error appears saying installation was unsuccessful because the phone "can not install the USB memory or SD card." I tried two or three times but without success. Phone showed the same error.
I searched the internet for possible solution and found few. Most of them are required to delete the Temp file smdl2temp1. I installed a file manager, but could not find a particular file location. My search continued and I found somewhere in the Internet draft for dismantling the SD card and then try to install. Monitor and installed the app successfully.
After installation I moved the app to SD card and the process was completed successfully. Now, after two successful installations, I again mounted my SD card and tried another installation. This time the installation completed successfully installed the app and SD card without showing any errors.
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