Friday, August 5, 2011

How To Make USB Drive Bootable?

# 1. The first step is to open a command line and follow the procedures as shown below.
Win + R -> cmd
Set the path in the command line as C: WindowsSystem32>

    16 How to make a USB Drive Bootable

    #2. Then type “diskpart”, a new window will appear as follows.


    24 How to make a USB Drive Bootable

    #3. Next, type “list disk” command to show the status about the disks i.e. it displays the number of disks available in system.

    1. If pen drive was inserted then it shows list disk as Disk 0 and Disk 1 as shown in figure.

    DISKPART>list disk

    3 How to make a USB Drive Bootable

    #4. So, after finishing this one we have to select our pen drive disk to make it bootable. For this one use the following command as shown

    DISKPART>select disk 1

    1. Because our pen drive disk is 1 (compare the sizes of the disks then you can make a note which disk is our pen drive).
    2. Next type “list disk” command to make sure that our drive is selected or not

    DISKPART>list disk

    Then it shows a star mark at left side to make sure that drive is selected.

    The procedure is as follows

    42 How to make a USB Drive Bootable

    #5. Next we have to clear our pen drive memory space and make it empty. The command is as follows


    1. Then a message is displayed as follows “DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the Disk”.
    2. Next type “create partition primary” to create a primary partition. The command is as follows

    DISKPART>create partition primary

    1. A message will display as “DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition”.
    2. Next type “select partition 1” to create a partition. The command is as follows

    DISKPART>select partition 1

    1. “Partition 1 is now the selected partition” message will display.
    2. Type “active” command to mark the current partition as active. The command is as shown below.


    1. A message “DiskPart marked the current partition as active” will display.
    2. The working of the above commands is shown in the below screenshot as follows

    52 How to make a USB Drive Bootable

    # 6. Next we need to format that pen drive using the FAT32 file system. The command is as follows
    DiskPart> FS = FAT32 format
    Wait until the "100 percent done" message to display.
    A message "DiskPart successfully formatted the volume" will be displayed.
    The next type "assign" command assign drive letter or mount point of that drive. The command is as follows
    DiskPart> assign
    "DiskPart successfully assigned the letter or mount point" will display a message.

      6 How to make a USB Drive Bootable

      After completion of all these process, then type “exit” command to exit that DISKPART windows and come back to first window i.e. C:WindowsSystem32

      Finally we will completed to process for making a bootable usb drive by typing this last command in first window as shown below.

      7 How to make a USB Drive Bootable

      From the above figure we can make a note that

      L – Pen drive or USB drive

      J – Bootable DVD or we can mount a bootable O.S Image File (.ISO)

      The final command is as follows

      C:WindowsSystem32>xcopy J:*.* /s/e/f L:

      A message “868 File(s) Copied” will display.

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      91 How to make a USB Drive Bootable

      Finally we finished the procedure to make a bootable USB Flash Drive or Pen Drive.
      But to make it work you must do one more thing, or to change the boot settings.
      I feel born will explain in a simple manner.
      Restart your computer and boot into settings (press F2: F2 system contains mainly as a default button) then it will redirect to the "Boot Options" and select "Boot USB device I" and set it to "Enable", then press F10 to save changes and exit.

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