Monitor "LCD cheap" is a stylish solution to get a computer but sparingly. Excess LCD monitor power consumption is low and does not take much space. Her presence began to shift the position of the monitor tube (CRT).
The price of LCD monitors are still rising, but the increasing number of LCD monitors are manufactured to make the price go down relatively cheaper. And this is good news for those who want to replace the tube monitors with LCD monitors.
The LCD monitor is already a lot cheaper on the market. However, there is no harm if we know what the pros and cons. Here we discussed together.
1. LCD monitors have a fixed native resolution. This means that the monitor will work well if used in the default resolution. For example, an LCD monitor that has 1024x768 resolution, will work fine in that resolution. Therefore you must be smart in choosing an LCD monitor according to the resolution you need. Most low-cost LCD size 14 "is not good working in 1024x768 resolution.
2. Performance of the LCD monitor is measured in milliseconds. LCD monitor that has a slow speed in displaying image from CPU, will be visible when you play 3D games. Blurred images will look when you run 3D games on the LCD monitor is slow. The possibility of low-cost LCD monitors do not have the speed as fast as LCDs are a bit expensive.
Therefore, the LCD monitor to be adjusted to our needs. And to say lucky people who get cheap LCD monitors at once needs are met.
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