Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Simple steps to clean your LCD Monitors

These are the things you need in cleaning your LCD TV or computer monitor:

• White vinegar

• Distilled water

• 100% pure Cotton cloth


You will not need much of it to clean 1 monitor, so in a small container put a quarter of vinegar and a quarter of distilled water and mix them together. If you do not have distilled water, you can use some ice from the refrigerator and heat it in a pan to make distilled water out of it. Once you’ve mix them together, get a piece of cloth- a pure cotton cloth, and put a little amount of the mixed vinegar and distilled water on it, just enough to make a damp of the cloth. Then wipe it on your LCD TV or LCD monitor. I have been using this procedure for a year now and it does a very good job in cleaning my LDC monitor and best of all, it does not leave any traces of water or dust mark on the monitor.

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