Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to Select TFT LCD Monitor for Gaming?

Response Rate
The response rate of a monitor is perhaps one of the most important specifications you need to consider if you will be gaming. The response rate simply refers to how fast the LCD monitor updates its display. Monitors with a slower response rate will suffer what is known as 'ghosting'.
The ghosting effect will be noticeable if you play high-paced games, such as a first person shooter. It's when the previous image displayed on-screen can still be seen as a blur for a split second after the image has updated. Don't worry if that doesn't make sense to you, all you need to know is that the lower the response rate of a monitor, the less 'ghosting' you will experience.
I would recommend buying a monitor with a response rate of 8ms (8 milliseconds) or lower. The lower the better. The best monitors on the market offer very good response rates such as 4ms or even 2ms. With a monitor like this, you would completely avoid the 'ghosting' effect altogether.

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