Friday, July 1, 2011

Custom USB Flash Drives History

In the 1960’s the 8” floppy disk was used as storage device. The Floppy disk stored 100KB approximately about 60 typewritten double spaced pages of text. The 5” Floppy of the 1970’s stored up to 360KB and 3” Floppy disk from the 1980’s stored up to 1.44 MB.

Over the years we have seen the storage devices that have come into the market have become smaller in size and increased in the storage capacity and have also increased speed in transferring information to and fro from the computer.

zxMemory sticks is storage device which is removable flash memory card format which looks like a stick of a gum launched by Sony in October 1998. This small device called Memory sticks combines the storage medium and the hardware into one. The SD cards and memory sticks are both storage devices. The Shape of SD cards are square.

Memory sticks and SD cared are used to store photos in digital cameras. Memory sticks are much exclusively used by Sony brand while the SD cards are more exclusively used by brands like Cannon and Kodak.

A Memory stick can store more data than other forms of storage device like Floppy disk, compact disc or DVD disk. Another advantage of the Memory stick it is rewritable storage device unlike disc. There are DVD disk that are rewritable in the market but the storage capacity is not as much as the one in Memory sticks. The capacity of the older Memory sticks was 64 Mb to 256 Mb but a typical Memory sticks available today have the capacity to store from 1GB to 16 GB.

The latest Memory sticks that are available in the market are Memory stick micro and Memory stick XC. The Memory stick Micro has the capacity to store 32GB of data while the latest Memory stick XC has 64 times larger storage capacity which is 2TB.

The  Memory sticks are not only small and portable in nature but do not occupy much space in the purse or pocket. You can have a backup of all your computer files on a Memory sticks. It’s a best removable storage device.

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