Thursday, June 30, 2011

USB Flash Drives Definition

Many people are confused by all the different terms associated with computer technology, especially since the vocabulary expands daily. If you are wondering what a USB flash drive is, it is easier to understand as a memory stick. The flash drive is also known as a thumb drive and this is only because of its size, which is about the size of your thumb. The USB drive has just replaced the old floppy disk, it is so much better than the floppy disk because a flash drive doesn't have any moving parts like the floppy disk did. Since it doesn't have any moving parts it is more reliable and durable.

You always needed to be careful with a floppy disk, but you can be sure your flash drive won't break unless you intentionally try to do so by hitting it with a hammer or such. Not only is this device so easy to carry around, you can plug it into most computers since the floppy disk drive no longer exists, most computers now have the USB port and these things never fail unlike the floppy disks. The USB port can be carried in your pocket or on a keychain.

The USB drive is simply a small circuit board encased by plastic or metal to keep it safe. You can store anything you need to on the USB flash drive and you don't need any other cords, you simply plug it into a computer with a USB port. With a flash drive, all you need to do is click and drag whatever information you want to put on it. You can store your presentations, videos, pictures, music, and so much more. Your information will be saved quickly and will be there until you choose to delete it.

Rewritable CDs take a long time to do the same thing, it takes a few minutes to download information on it and not all computers have a CD-RW drive. Not to mention after time, information saved on a CD gets corrupted, this will never happen with a USB flash drive. A flash drive holds much more information than a CD as well, you can now buy a 64 GB flash drive that should be more than you will ever need, the price ranges around $200, of course you can get one that stores 4 GB for anywhere between $10 and $20.

Many people choose to use the flash drives because they are so reliable, durable, and compact. If you are afraid of losing it and it has information on it that you don't want anyone else to see, you can purchase USB flash drives that will encrypt the data you save on it, others also have partitions that you need a password to get into. If you are looking for a memory device, the flash drive is the top choice because it is also an easy way to add storage space to your computer, just plug it in and save things to it.

Branded USB Sticks are the perfect marketing tool! The USB SuperStore offers custom USB flash drives at wholesale and discounted prices, with free logo and shipping.

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